Get to Know the Bible Better!
Blue Letter Bible- Concordance, Translations, Commentaries, Greek & Hebrew Dictionaries
Bible Gateway- Concordance, Translations, Commentaries including IVP New Testament Series
Great Treasures- Translations, Greek & Hebrew Dictionaries
E-Sword - Free downloads of Commentaries, Dictionaries, Bibles, Encyclopedias, etc.
World Bible Study- Free Online, Email, or Mail Bible course
Apologetics Press - An organization designed to provide good tools to enable you to defend the Faith
World Video Bible School - Your home for non-denominational Bible study material in video, audio, and print
Gospel Broadcast Network - Unbiased resources from the Word of God
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World Wide Directory of the Churches of Christ - enter city, state or zip code to find churches Various:
Christian Courier - Articles, Downloads, Sermons, etc. The Jenkins Institute- Stay in touch with the church community, current events, technology, & articles